Sunday, February 28, 2010
Tackey&Tsubasa(タッキー&翼) member Takizawa Hideaki (滝沢秀明) announced the production of "Takizawa Kabuki / 滝沢歌舞伎" in Tokyo the other day.

In the work, he will challenge the role of Taira no Masakado (平将門) a samurai in the Heian period of Japan, instead of the well-known character Minamoto no Yoshitune (源義経). It's an occult and legendary character which will sure to bring dynamism to the stage. In addition to casting, Takizawa will be also in charge of the stage direction and photography direction, leading to a stage of Takizawa's world.

Takizawa has performed in "Takizawa Enbujo / 滝沢演舞城" at Shimbashi Enbujo of Tokyo for four years since 2006. In order to build Kabukiza on the stage this year, he moved to Nissei Theatre, changed the title of the production, and made his debut as director, with more than half of the contents renewed.

And the highlight is definitely Taira no Masakado played by Tackey!
"I plucked up my courage and left Minamoto no Yoshitune finally. It's a character totally different and dark. I want to depict the reason why he is called evil. I will try to interpret Taira no Masakado who is trying to change the country, not only with the evil side, but also a man with humanity." said Takizawa.
Taira no Masakado was also known as a treasonable hero, who revolted against tyrannical aristocrat-centered imperial court in Heian period.

It will his first role of a villain since the drama "Orthros no Inu / オルトロスの犬 (lit. Orthros Dog)" and Takizawa is going to bloom the flowers of evil by saying: "It's OK to have the scene of killing."

Meanwhile, the acrobat, another attractive part, will also be upgraded. "The wire part will be changed. And we will introduce new 4D system so that the audience can see us with different angles." 4D flying scene is coming out! Moreover, there will be a Japanese drum performance of 50 people and the collaboration of Japanese dance and Ballet.

"It's made by our generation, but I want to try different kinds of modern elements, too." he seems to broaden the frame of Kabuki.

"Takizawa Kabuki" will be performed from April 4th to May 8th in Nissei Theatre. Don't miss out his legendary stage!
posted by ♥ Mikeru Wei ♥ at 11:51 PM |


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